My creds.
Because it's

But, I'm not.

— Notable Projects

Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Housing


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is on a mission to transform fragmented government systems into a one-stop digital solution for property owners, buyers, lessees, and brokers, as well as the Ministries of Justice, Finance, and other government agencies.

Working with the Saudi Ministry of Housing, I focused on designing an intuitive solution, rooted in research, that will transform their current systems into a forward-thinking and future-proof web application for all target audiences.

  • Designed and led workshops with the client, on-site in Riyadh, to identify audiences, personas, goals, and journeys.
  • Worked with the client’s product team to clarify business processes, requirements, and dependencies on Saudi government sources of data, as well as requirements and processes for property brokers throughout the country
  • Performed research on Saudi property contract law, and property management systems in Saudi Arabia, focused on predicting technology and systems growth over the next 10 years.
  • Produced research documentation, wireframes, and prototypes to be vetted by the client as well as to provide clear product design goals for the development teams.


Businesses are spending $Billions trying to understand their customers, but they're blind to trillions of real-time visual conversations. Pixt indexes the visual web to make sense, and generate quantified data, of the billions of images and videos shared on the web every day.

  • Led fundraising and business development efforts in many, many pitches.
  • Raised USD$120,000 pre-seed and USD$100,000 from Google Cloud for Startups.
  • Performed market and product fit analysis to identify business verticals to target at launch.
  • Developed a machine learning-powered platform, data models and subsequent deployment on high-availability Google Cloud infrastructure.
  • Executed all UX and UI Design for desktop, mobile, PWA and bot interfaces.
  • Programmed the platform and micro-services in Python, Django, and React.



Conceived, executed and delivered one of the first digital integrated brand campaigns in the world, curating and aggregating content through Pepsi's iconic #refresheverything brand message.

Leveraging on Pepsi generated and paid content, alongside user-generated content, this campaign set a standard for Pepsi's digital campaigns ever since.

  • Developed a digital strategy and creative solution around Pepsi’s “rethink the old, refresh with the new” campaign objectives.
  • Created a digital strategy and engaged users to interact with, and create, fresh content provided by Pepsi’s content curation team.
  • Led the ideation and design of a crowdsourced content strategy that included free music downloads, Facebook integration, and interaction with popular sites like Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, and more.


Eight Inc.

Customers were detached from their banks and their money. Our focus was to evaluate customer needs and redefine the banking experience. We used a combination of technology, architecture and design, supplemented with new retail channels that connected with customers and gave them a much better way to do their banking.

  • Spearheaded rebranding and remodelling of the consumer banking environmental and digital experience of Citibank in Asia.
  • Reformulated retail banking strategy by creating a new consumer banking experience with new, simpler tool sets, all founded on intuitive user experience strategy and design.
  • Led Citibank’s shift into the future of engagement banking, rethinking of its retail environments, behaviors, technology, and communications—every aspect of the brand and how the customer experiences it.



With the Windows Vista launch looming—one of the largest global product launches in history—I worked closely with Microsoft's product teams in Redmond and Silicon Valley, and Microsoft's global UX Center in Texas, to define the consumer experience of Windows Live, Microsoft TV, and Microsoft Vista Widgets.

  • Managed all user experience design, visual, and interaction design for Microsoft’s Windows Live product launch.
  • Managed user experience design and interaction design for Microsoft TV and Microsoft Small Business views in Windows and overarching integration with Microsoft Windows Vista desktop.
  • Developed prototypes in JavaScript and Microsoft's widget architecture.
  • Produced User Experience and UI Design guidelines and documentation.



Zyllem is a funded Singapore startup that is the leading provider of fast, cost-effective, crowdsourced delivery services and logistics in Southeast Asia. From workshops to user research, from UX to UI, I delivered a complete overhaul of the consumer experience for this startup's mobile app and web services.

  • Led user experience and business strategy workshop for internal leadership teams.
  • Performed quantitative and qualitative user research, including surveys, data analytics and path tracking, and user interviews. Collected and analysed data to identify insights and develop a fresh engagement approach that would drive customer acquisition through mobile app and website.
  • Led user interface design including UX audits, wireframe production and UI design.

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