A "Suggest as you type" React Component to Help Your Users Succeed.
Rethinking a bad user experience to help you and your customers win.
Posted on Feb 20, 2020
The smallest things can help your customers in big ways.
Forms, forms, forms. The web is full of them. For every potential sale, flight booking or new account, someone is filling out a form. Someone, who might become your customer.
Why turn them away with a bad experience?
In the real world, when you ask a person what country they’re from, you wouldn’t hold up a sheet of paper with a list of 200+ countries for them to choose from.
If I say, “I’m an American,” you’d probably figure out I’m from the United States. Why shouldn’t your web app do the same?
Yet, a common form field we run into is “Country”, displayed as a long list of country names that your customers have to scroll through. A tedious and bad experience that we’ll set out to solve here.

Little things that make a big difference.
With this drop in code, you’ll see less abandonment, fewer errors, and happier customers.
By the way, if your website or app isn’t built in React, I’ve written another article to achieve the same experience, using plain old JavaScript.
Diving into code
A couple of things before we get started:
- Although I’ll be as clear as possible, I’m assuming you have some experience with React and already have your project set up.
- I’m using search for countries as an example, but this component can be used for any kind of search, filter, or select fields.
Set up the hooks.
We’re going to design our suggest-as-you-type component to be reusable anywhere. The idea being, we should be able to pass data in and the thing just works.
Let’s start with creating a new file. We’ll call Autocomplete.js:
// Autocomplete.js
import React, { useState } from "react";
const Autocomplete = props => {
const items = props.countries;
const [state, setState] = useState({
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: ''
export default Autocomplete;
You’ll notice we’re importing useState
, and loading the data (props.countries
) into an items
variable. In my case, I’m working with a list of countries, but this could be anything you want your users to search for.
Next, we’re using useState
to initialize state variables. This should be self explanatory, but here’s a quick walkthrough. Since we’re using React hooks, the state will hold all our logic, and we’re initializing it with some default values:
is the index of current selected item. Since nothing is selected when the page loads, we’ll set it to 0.filteredItems
is initialized as an empty array to hold our filtered country list.displayItems
will toggle the drop down menu of filtered items, initialized as false, so it doesn’t display on load.- and
will capture the text the user types in the input field.
Adding the markup.
The markup for this is pretty simple, we just need to have an input field, and a ternary operator that checks if the list should be displayed or not.
// Autocomplete.js
import React, { useState } from "react";
const Autocomplete = props => {
const items = props.countries;
const [state, setState] = useState({
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: ''
return (
<div className="uk-inline uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top">
<span className="uk-form-icon" data-uk-icon="icon: world" />
placeholder="Enter a country and press enter"
className="uk-input uk-form-large uk-width-expand"
{state.displayItems && state.inputValue.length && state.filteredItems.length ?
<div className="list-panel uk-panel uk-padding-remove uk-box-shadow-medium">
<ul className="uk-list">
state.filteredItems.map((optionName, index) => {
return (
className={`${state.activeItem === index ? "active-item" : "default-item"}`}
key = {optionName}
onClick = {handleClick}
}).slice(0, 10)
export default Autocomplete;
Let’s have a look at what’s going on here. After our input field, we have this line:
{state.displayItems && state.inputValue.length && state.filteredItems ?...
That’s a bunch of conditions that need to be true before we display the drop down list of filtered countries. It’s saying,
- “If
- “and
isn’t empty (the user has entered characters into the input field), - “and there are
to display (we’ve matched items from our big list to the text the user entered in the input field), - “then display the drop down list.
- “IF any of those conditions are false then don’t display the list (
: null
Next, we added code for our drop down list. We’re using .map()
to iterate through our filteredItems
to create all the list items.
You’ll notice, at the end, I’ve added .slice(0, 10)
because I only want to display up to ten matching countries at a time. Feel free to remove this or set any other limit you prefer.
Excellent, so far we’ve set up our state logic, input field, and drop down menu. All we have to do now is make this thing work!
Let’s start by reviewing the great experience we want to deliver to our audience. We know that users will type a country name into the input field, and we’ll have to capture what they type.
We also want to provide shortcuts for people using a keyboard. For example, pressing arrow keys should allow the user to navigate up or down to highlight countries. Pressing the enter key should allow users to select a highlighted country.
In summary, our users should be able to:
- Type a country name in the search field.
- Press/tap “enter” to select a country.
- Arrow up and arrow down to navigate the filtered list.
- Click on a country name to select that country.
Let’s code those events!
Let’s start with capturing the text entered in the input field by creating a handleChange
// Autocomplete.js
const handleChange = (e) => {
const inputValue = e.currentTarget.value;
const filteredItems = items.filter(
(optionName) => optionName.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1
activeItem: 0,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
This is all pretty standard, but let’s take a look at the filteredItems
variable. We’re using the .filter()
method to filter our big list of countries down to only the countries that match whatever text has been entered into the input field.
optionName.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1
We use toLowerCase()
because we want our filter to be case insensitive by setting all entries in our list and the text entered in the input field to lowercase text. If there are no matches, it returns an empty array.
Then we update our state with setState({...})
. You’ll notice we’ve updated the filteredItems
state, set displayItems
to true, and captured the text entered into the input field in inputValue
Remember all those conditions we set above? This little bit of code handles all of that.
Now we can update the return statement to watch out for the onChange
// Autocomplete.js
return (
<div className="uk-inline uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top">
<span className="uk-form-icon" data-uk-icon="icon: world" />
placeholder="Enter a country and press enter"
className="uk-input uk-form-large uk-width-expand"
onChange={handleChange} // <-- new
{state.displayItems && state.inputValue.length && state.filteredItems.length ?
<div className="list-panel uk-panel uk-padding-remove uk-box-shadow-medium">
<ul className="uk-list">
state.filteredItems.map((optionName, index) => {
return (
className={`${state.activeItem === index ? "active-item" : "default-item"}`}
key = {optionName}
}).slice(0, 10)
Adding onChange={handleChange}
tells the search field to watch for any changes like adding or deleting text. As user types in the search field, the handleChange
functions runs and updates the state
We want users to be able to click an item in the list to select a country.
// Autocomplete.js
const handleClick = (e) => {
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.innerText
Very simple! When a user clicks a country name in the filtered list, all we need to do is update the state with setState
. You’ll see that we’ve reset all of state values, except for adding the text of the list item to the input field.
As above, we need to update the markup to capture the onClick
// Autocomplete.js
return (
<div className="uk-inline uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top">
<span className="uk-form-icon" data-uk-icon="icon: world" />
placeholder="Enter a country and press enter"
className="uk-input uk-form-large uk-width-expand"
{state.displayItems && state.inputValue.length && state.filteredItems.length ?
<div className="list-panel uk-panel uk-padding-remove uk-box-shadow-medium">
<ul className="uk-list">
state.filteredItems.map((optionName, index) => {
return (
className={`${state.activeItem === index ? "active-item" : "default-item"}`}
key = {optionName}
onClick = {handleClick} // <-- new
}).slice(0, 10)
We’ve updated the list items in the filtered list with onClick = {handleClick}
which will watch out for any clicks on the country items in the list, and trigger the handleClick
Unlock shortcuts with keyDown.
We’re going to make our component even more convenient for users by allowing them to use up, down, and enter keys to navigate and select an item from the list. To do this, we can add a handler for the onKeyDown
// Autocomplete.js
const handleKeyDown = (e) => {
const { activeItem, filteredItems } = state;
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // keyCode 13 is the "enter" key
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: filteredItems[activeItem]
else if (e.keyCode === 38) { // keyCode 38 is the up arrow key
if (activeItem === 0) {
activeItem: activeItem - 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
else if (e.keyCode === 40) { // keyCode 40 is the down arrow
if ((filteredItems && activeItem === filteredItems.length - 1) || activeItem >= 9) {
activeItem: activeItem + 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
Okay, this code is complicated, so let’s walk through it:
- First, if the user pressed the enter key,
if (e.keyCode === 13)
, then we select the highlighted country from the list, theactiveItem
, usinginputValue: filteredItems[activeItem]
, and reset all other state variables to their defaults. - If the user presses the up arrow key,
else if(e.keyCode === 38)
, we first check if the currentactiveItem
is at the top of the list. If so, then we do nothing, but, if it’s not at the top of the list, we update thestate
to decrement the index, and update theinputValue
text that appears in the input field. - Finally, if the user presses the down key,
else if (e.keyCode === 40)
, we check if there are items in the list, and, if so, updatestate
and increment the index, updating the text in the input field.
Does that make sense?
Here’s the complete code to this point:
// Autocomplete.js
import React, { useState } from "react";
const Autocomplete = props => {
const items = props.countries; // This could be a GET request to whatever
const [state, setState] = useState({
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: ''
const handleChange = (e) => {
const inputValue = e.currentTarget.value;
const filteredItems = items.filter(
(optionName) => optionName.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1
activeItem: 0,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
const handleClick = (e) => {
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.innerText
const handleKeyDown = (e) => {
const { activeItem, filteredItems } = state;
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: filteredItems[activeItem]
else if (e.keyCode === 38) {
if (activeItem === 0) {
activeItem: activeItem - 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
else if (e.keyCode === 40) {
if ((filteredItems && activeItem === filteredItems.length - 1) || activeItem >= 9) {
activeItem: activeItem + 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
return (
<div className="uk-inline uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top">
<span className="uk-form-icon" data-uk-icon="icon: world" />
placeholder="Enter a country and press enter"
className="uk-input uk-form-large uk-width-expand"
{state.displayItems && state.inputValue.length && state.filteredItems ?
<div className="list-panel uk-panel uk-padding-remove uk-box-shadow-medium">
<ul className="uk-list">
state.filteredItems.map((optionName, index) => {
return (
className={`${state.activeItem === index ? "active-item" : "default-item"}`}
key = {optionName}
onClick = {handleClick}>
}).slice(0, 10)
: null
export default Autocomplete;
How to use it
Running this should provide you with the filtered list in a drop down under the search field. Save the file and add the component in any app or component like this:
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Autocomplete from "./Autocomplete";
import {countriesList} from "./Countries"; // <-- just an array of countries. This could be a Fetch request or something.
function App() {
return (
<div className="uk-padding uk-width-1-2@m">
<Autocomplete countries={countriesList} />
export default App;
How about some extra credit?
Give your customers an experience that makes sense.
Let’s imagine,
you want a simple experience that lets your audience add as many items as they want.
Instead of selecting a single item, you might ask your customers to add a list of countries, or groceries, or clothes, or whatever. That would be pretty cool, right?
Adding this capability also gives us an opportunity to explore a couple of other React hooks.
In the end, your component will behave and look something like this:
A K.I.S.S. experience for everyday people.
First thing first
We’ll import some additional hooks:
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer } from “react”;
We’ll be using useRef
as a placeholder variable for our list items. Not much more to say about it. The useEffect
hook will be our trigger function to add countries to an array, which can then be passed to your form submit.
But, what’s up with useReducer
? I won’t go into the docs or details because there are countless, somewhat confusing, articles and tutorials out there. The only thing I have to say is, when you find that useState
isn’t working because state logic is complicated or you’re using complex arrays, then it might be a good time to try useReducer
. Heads up, it’s pretty cryptic stuff, so let’s walk through the code:
// Autocomplete.js
const fieldRef = useRef();
const [selected, dispatchSelected] = useReducer((state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "add":
return [...state, { id: state.length, name: action.name }];
case "remove":
return state.filter((_, index) => index !== action.index);
case "empty":
return []
return state;
}, []);
Just like with useState
, we’re setting state variables. In this case, the variable we’re creating is called selected
. The selected
state will become our array to store the selected items from the list of countries.
Also, like with useState
, we have a second “trigger” variable here called dispatchSelected
. That’s where the similarities end, because useReducer
is actually a trigger method that “dispatches” deep updates to the component’s state.
We use a switch statement to check the different cases we will trigger. We want users to be able to add and remove countries from the array.
In the case that the user adds a country to the array, case "add":
, we have this bit of code:
return […state, { id: state.length, name: action.name }];
Basically that’s saying, “send back the current list of countries the user has already added, and add the new country the user selected”.
When the user removes a country from the array, case: "remove:"
, this bit of code:
return state.filter((_, index) => index !== action.index);
says, “send back the current list of countries, but remove the country the user deleted from the list”.
I told you it was cryptic, but don’t worry, it will become clear in a couple of paragraphs. We just need to add this next bit of code to handle the useReducer
// Autocomplete.js
function handleAddItems(e) {
type: "add",
name: e
Do you get it now? To be honest, I didn’t at first, but I’m not always the brightest bulb.
is our “trigger” method that tells the useReducer
function what to do.
type: "add",
obviously means we’re adding a country to the list.name: e
, (event) represents the specific country item to be added.
So, we can look at the case "add":
line again and it’s starting to make some sense:
return […state, { id: state.length, name: action.name }];
represents the current list of countries.id: state.length
is the index of the new selected item in the list, andname: action.name
is the name attribute passed on by thehandleAddItems
event. That is, the name of the country to be added.
So there’s a lot of voodoo and wishes that occur behind the scenes to make that work, but whatever, it works!
Now we need to update the handleClick
and handleKeyDown
event functions like this:
const handleClick = (e) => {
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.innerText
fieldRef.current.value = ""; // <-- New
handleAddItems(e.currentTarget.innerText); // <-- New
const handleKeyDown = (e) => {
const { activeItem, filteredItems } = state;
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
const inList = filteredItems && items.includes(filteredItems[activeItem]);
if(!inList || !fieldRef.current.value) return;
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: filteredItems[activeItem]
fieldRef.current.value = ""; // <-- New
handleAddItems(filteredItems[activeItem]); // <-- New
else if (e.keyCode === 38) {
if (activeItem === 0) {
activeItem: activeItem - 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
else if (e.keyCode === 40) {
if ((filteredItems && activeItem === filteredItems.length - 1) || activeItem >= 9) {
activeItem: activeItem + 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
We’re adding
fieldRef.current.value = "";
to our handleClick
and handleKeyDown
functions. Important note, depending on whether the user clicks or presses the enter button, the handleAddItems
argument is different. That’s because a click event action takes place on the list item, but the enter key takes place on the array itself.
Anyway, our reducer and handler functions are ready to go, we just need to update the markup with this:
// Autocomplete.js
<div className="tag-container">
{itemsArray.map((item, index) => (
<div key={`country_${index}`} className="icon-tags">
data-uk-icon="icon: close; ratio: 1.15"
onClick={() => dispatchSelected({ type: "remove", index })} />
To the astute eye, you’ll see we’re using .map()
to iterate through itemsArray
. Where did that come from? Let’s create it with useState
// Autocomplete.js
const [itemsArray, setItemsArray] = useState([]);
() => {
setItemsArray(selected.map(item => item.name.trim()))
}, [selected] // <-- this triggers setItemsArray
Obviously we know all about useState
by now. We’re using that alongside, useEffect
to add selected countries to the itemsArray
. The user’s personalized list of countries that they’ve selected.
is saying, “anytime the selected
variable of our reducer method changes, then update the array by running setItemsArray
The final, final code
Wow, that was a lot of work. If you have any questions on this, or I was unclear, let me know.
This component becomes very powerful when implemented with AI-powered search or Natural Language Processing on the backend. I’ll write up another article about this, if anybody’s interested.
Here’s the final code:
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer } from "react";
const Autocomplete = props => {
const items = props.countries; // This could be a GET request to whatever
const [state, setState] = useState({
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: ''
const handleChange = (e) => {
const inputValue = e.currentTarget.value;
const filteredItems = items.filter(
(optionName) => optionName.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputValue.toLowerCase()) > -1
activeItem: 0,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
const handleClick = (e) => {
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.innerText
fieldRef.current.value = "";
const handleKeyDown = (e) => {
const { activeItem, filteredItems } = state;
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
const inList = filteredItems && items.includes(filteredItems[activeItem]);
if(!inList || !fieldRef.current.value) return;
activeItem: 0,
filteredItems: [],
displayItems: false,
inputValue: filteredItems[activeItem]
fieldRef.current.value = "";
else if (e.keyCode === 38) {
if (activeItem === 0) {
activeItem: activeItem - 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
else if (e.keyCode === 40) {
if ((filteredItems && activeItem === filteredItems.length - 1) || activeItem >= 9) {
activeItem: activeItem + 1,
displayItems: true,
inputValue: e.currentTarget.value
const fieldRef = useRef();
const [itemsArray, setItemsArray] = useState([]);
const [selected, dispatchSelected] = useReducer((state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case "add":
return [...state, { id: state.length, name: action.name }];
case "remove":
return state.filter((_, index) => index !== action.index);
case "empty":
return []
return state;
}, []);
function handleAddItems(e) {
type: "add",
name: e
() => {
setItemsArray(selected.map(item => item.name.trim()))
}, [selected]
return (
<div className="uk-inline uk-width-1-1 uk-margin-top">
<span className="uk-form-icon" data-uk-icon="icon: world" />
placeholder="Enter a country and press enter"
className="uk-input uk-form-large uk-width-expand"
value={(fieldRef.current && fieldRef.current.value) || ""}
{state.displayItems && state.inputValue.length && state.filteredItems ?
<div className="list-panel uk-panel uk-padding-remove uk-box-shadow-medium">
<ul className="uk-list">
state.filteredItems.map((optionName, index) => {
return (
className={`${state.activeItem === index ? "active-item" : "default-item"}`}
key = {optionName}
onClick = {handleClick}>
}).slice(0, 10)
: null
<div className="tag-container uk-margin-top" data-uk-margin>
{itemsArray.map((item, index) => (
<div key={`country_${index}`} className="icon-tags uk-label uk-border-pill uk-width-auto uk-margin-small-right">
<span data-uk-icon="icon: close; ratio: 1.15" onClick={() => dispatchSelected({ type: "remove", index })} />
export default Autocomplete;
Of course, you can get the complete code on my Github:
Get it on GitHubOr, check out a live example.
Hey, thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.
I hope this was helpful for you. Feel free to get in touch with questions, revelations, insults, etc.